Corporate insurance is not enough, but how much is enough for you? Check your personalised insurance health report on our website for free.

In today's India, corporate health insurance has become a valuable perk for many employees. It offers a sense of security and helps manage medical expenses. However, relying solely on your employer's health insurance plan might leave you vulnerable in unexpected situations. Here's why:

Limited Coverage:

  • Sum Insured: Corporate plans often have pre-defined coverage limits (sum insured). With rising medical costs, this amount might not be enough to cover the entire cost of a serious illness or major surgery.
  • Network Restrictions: Many corporate plans have a limited network of hospitals where you can avail cashless treatment. This might restrict your access to specialized care or preferred hospitals, especially in emergencies.
  • Exclusions: These plans typically exclude pre-existing conditions, certain procedures, or outpatient treatments. This can leave you with significant out-of-pocket expenses.

Job Market Dynamics:

  • Job Changes: If you switch jobs, you lose coverage under your previous employer's plan. This gap in coverage can be financially risky, especially if you require ongoing medical care.
  • Retirement: Upon retirement, your corporate health insurance typically ceases. This leaves you without coverage at a critical time when healthcare needs might be higher.

Family Needs:

  • Dependent Coverage: While some corporate plans cover dependents, the provided sum insured might not be adequate for their individual needs.
  • Life Stage Changes: As your family grows, healthcare needs evolve. A corporate plan designed for a single person might not be sufficient for a spouse and children.

The Importance of a Top-Up Plan:

Given these limitations, consider supplementing your corporate health insurance with a Top-Up Plan. Here's how it helps:

  • Enhanced Coverage: Top-up plans offer higher sum insured amounts, kicking in after you exhaust the coverage limit of your corporate plan.
  • Greater Flexibility: You can choose a deductible amount that suits your budget. A higher deductible translates to a lower premium.
  • Peace of Mind: It provides a safety net against unforeseen medical emergencies and ensures you're not left financially exposed.

Taking Control of Your Health Security:

Don't wait for a health crisis to realize the limitations of your corporate health insurance. Here's what you can do:

  • Understand Your Plan: Carefully review your employer's health insurance policy document to understand its limitations in terms of coverage, exclusions, and network hospitals.
  • Evaluate Your Needs: Assess your individual and family's healthcare needs, factoring in age, pre-existing conditions, and potential future requirements.
  • Research Top-Up Plans: Explore different top-up plans offered by various insurance companies, comparing coverage, deductibles, and premiums.
  • Consult an Advisor: Seek guidance from a qualified insurance advisor to understand which top-up plan best complements your corporate health insurance and aligns with your budget.


Having a layered approach to health insurance provides comprehensive protection. Don't underestimate the potential financial burden of healthcare costs. By taking these steps, you can create a more robust healthcare safety net for yourself and your loved ones.

Disclaimer: This blog is for informational purposes only and does not constitute financial advice. Please consult with a qualified financial professional for personalized guidance.