Why buying term plan early is important & saves cost

We all know life insurance is important, but choosing the right type and timing can be daunting. When it comes to term insurance, many wonder why premiums increase with age. The answer lies in a simple formula: age and risk. This blog decodes the pricing of term insurance and explains why buying it early is your best bet for affordable coverage.

Unlocking the Age-Premium Connection:

Term insurance offers financial protection for a specific period (the term). The key factor influencing your premium is your mortality rate, which essentially means the probability of your passing away during the policy term. As you age, this rate naturally increases, making you statistically more likely to pass away within the policy term. This higher risk translates to a higher premium for the insurer, which ultimately gets reflected in your cost.

Data Speaks Volumes:

Let's illustrate this with some facts:

    • According to a 2022 IRDAI report, the average premium for a 30-year-old buying a 20-year term insurance policy with a sum assured of ₹1 crore was ₹10,500 per year.
    • In contrast, the same coverage for a 40-year-old would cost an average of ₹25,000 annually, more than double the price!

Early Bird Advantages:

Understanding this age-premium correlation highlights the power of starting early:

    • Lower Premiums: The younger you are, the lower your mortality rate and subsequently, your premium. Buying early locks you into a lower premium throughout the policy term, saving you significant money in the long run.
    • Guaranteed Renewability: Most term insurance policies offer guaranteed renewability, meaning you can renew your coverage without medical re-evaluation even if your health deteriorates later. This is crucial if you develop conditions that would otherwise make you ineligible for new coverage.
    • Financial Security: Starting early ensures you have adequate financial protection throughout your life, safeguarding your loved ones in case of your unexpected passing.

Beyond Age:

It's important to remember that age isn't the only factor influencing your term insurance premium. Other variables include:

    • Health: Pre-existing conditions can lead to higher premiums or even policy exclusions.
    • Lifestyle Habits: Smoking, alcohol consumption, and risky hobbies can impact your premium.
    • Family Medical History: Certain family health conditions might affect your risk profile and premium.
    • Sum Assured: The amount of coverage you choose directly impacts your premium.

The Takeaway:

While various factors affect term insurance premiums, age remains the dominant one. Buying term insurance early offers significant financial benefits through lower premiums, guaranteed renewability, and peace of mind. Don't wait for life to happen; secure your future with affordable term insurance by starting today.


    • Compare quotes from different insurers to find the best rate for your individual profile.
    • Consult a financial advisor to determine the appropriate sum assured and coverage options.
    • Disclose all relevant information accurately during the application process.

By starting early and making informed decisions, you can ensure you get the best possible value and protection for your term insurance needs.

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